Friday, 1 November 2013

somanabolic muscle maximizer by Kyle Leon- Low intensity

First group trained with low intensity 50% of one-rep max; positive phase lasted 3 seconds and lasted as long retrograde motion; movement was slow and smooth, without interruption in extreme positions (light weight - slowly) with somanabolic muscle maximizer scam by Kyle Leon

Second group trained with high intensity with 80% of one-rep max, with a time of one second upward phase and a second phase of descending without interruption in the extreme positions - the usual standard training (heavy weight - fast). Introduction to Kyle Leon

3rd group trained with low-intensity but high-speed repetition - like the second group (light weight - fast).
Training was conducted three times a week for 12 weeks. The first two groups could boast strong results, but the third group did not record practically no results.

This brings us to another key factor in light training: repetition rate.

We recommend repetition time 5-6 seconds for light training as opposed to two to three seconds during heavy training.

Light workouts correspond to the first group in this study - that is still slower muscle tension and muscle activation, which caters for a maximum deficit of oxygen in the muscles. visit this link

This training raises additions, which others reach only training with heavy weights the standard version.

It is very important for muscle development and confirms the concept of easy / hard training (bodybuilders 50s and 60s knew what they did).Who is worried that a light workout is not any benefit to muscle development, or even that there is a loss of muscle mass, he should have learned the facts with somanabolic muscle maximizer product by Kyle Leon

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