Thursday, 7 November 2013

Losing 50 pounds

Want to lose weight?

Pray for weight loss. The idea may seem completely silly to some, but in the fifties was a Christian weight loss industry exploded in America and then the world! After losing 50 pounds Reverend Charlie Shedd wrote the book "Pray Your Weight Away," which was published in 1957. year. This bestseller is the way for titles like "I Prayed Myself Slim" (1960), "Help Lord, the Devil Wants Me Fat!" (1978) and "The Weigh Down Diet" (1997), which advised readers not to confuse physical hunger with what is actually a spiritual hunger. Do you think that this trend extinct? If this book from '97. Not convinced - in 2002. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

The doctor Don Colbert has published a book, "What Would Jesus Eat?" and the eponymous cookbook. Maybe soon, and some of our clergy comes to mind to publish something. We will not mention names ... The trend of the sixties - support groups and cabbage soup

The sixties were a time of spreading love, and this concept is applied and the weight loss. People on the diet began to establish organizations and support groups. Early in the decade, a group of people with the problem of compulsive overeating founded the now famous "Overeaters Anonymous." Year in 1961. Jean Nidetch in his house in New York, invited friends to talk about the issue of weight loss.

And two years later, after having lost weight more than 30 pounds launched Weight Watchers, and to this day one of weight loss program that is based on a system of mutual support. In the sixties he designed another diet that is maintained popularity today - kupusovom soup diet, in whose effectiveness is still a dollar. trend from the seventies - pills

As advanced science and medicine, so they soon appeared, and diet pills. Manufacturers have argued for some to stop the absorption of carbohydrates. In fact, they promise that you can load up the pizza and pasta, with no consequences for your line. However, after countless reports of vomiting, stomach pains and digestive problems, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) withdrew the tablets from the market only in 1983. Who is Kyle Leon?

In order to investigate the long-term consequences. This turned out to be a good idea because the researchers found that all the undigested starch goes straight into the colon. Dexatrim is another tablet from that decade. Suppress appetite contained harmful PPA (phenylpropanolamine), and withdrawn from sale. For many pills (even those available today) have revealed that a number of harmful, even fatal, side effects such as heart disease, addiction to these pills, metabolic disorders ... The trend of the eighties - Scarsdale diet (known as a child 9 pounds)

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