Thursday, 31 October 2013

Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam? - Weight loss learning is based on points

Learning is based on points, which are based on the elements pentagram - the five elements. It's an old method more than 8,000 years when natural hazards cannot assign only the man but also animals, things or different situations in life. 'Feng - Shui tells us what foods act positively on our body and vice versa.

It's not about drastically reducing diet, but changing it is reasonable to remove energy blockages that prevent you in losing weight, teacher Sylvia Malíková. Therefore locate the table, from what element you are just you and we will explain exactly how reasonably wrestle with kilos. Grid to determine which element corresponds exactly to your date of birth, here at Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

Wood - Element of wood are creative people and favoring cooperation over the competition. If you want to lose weight with a friend or in a team, you're on the right track.

Characteristic Taste: Sour

What will not benefit: Wind

What you destroy: No sweet and fatty foods cannot imagine my life, You should not forget the coffee, French fries, potato chips and pork, otherwise the needle on the scale will not move. Gaining especially during stress, anger and alcohol also is a good companion. Avoid the sharp foods, fresh onions and garlic. Replace curry, chili for herbs.
Food for you: Eat fruit with a sour taste, salads and everything is green Suitable vinegar, lentils, fruit and vegetable juices, fresh cheese and also soy.

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